Giving YOU the Power to Stay Loaded

Many individuals across the nation enjoy the hobby of shooting, and for the majority of those shooters, reloading magazines is not a difficult task. However, there are a growing number of people that may not have the strength or capability to load their magazines as easily as others. Many individuals suffer from strength limitations that impede their ability to load a pistol magazine to its full capacity. To that extent we introduce a new tool…


Why choose The Bullet Block?

With so many loaders out on the market, choosing one that works best for you can get confusing. There are many that boast fastest loaders, so let me clear this up….

This tool is designed as an easy loader, not a speed loader.

The thing that nearly all current loaders have in common is that they REQUIRE two hands to use effectively. But when you don’t have the use of both hands, those same loaders can become a challenge to use. Maybe its age, injury, or genetics….no matter the cause, you can literally eliminate one of your hands and still use the Bullet Block.

If you experience or suffer from any of the following you can use the Bullet Block to ease your reloading tasks:

  • Arthritis

  • Carpal Tunnel

  • Broken bones

  • Amputations

  • Nerve Damages

The Bullet Block doesn’t only aid individuals with physical limitations. It’s also great for:

  • New shooters

  • Women shooters

  • Young shooters

    Our loaders have been introduced shooters in training courses throughout the nation and continue to receive prime reviews. If you’d like to see how we can benefit you, don’t hesitate to reach out to us!!

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